Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 5 - Bermuda to Ireland

Weather: Rain stopped, still overcast but looks like it should be a nice day.  Seas also calmed to around 2-3', nice sail, wing on wing.

General Comments:  Yesterday was quite miserable with heavy rain, no sunshine for the solar panel, and rough seas (10' waves).  This morning the world has changed again and all is gentle, we've been sailing with the light wind screacher since sunset.  Since Kyle returned from work last, he has developed what he tells me in a neuroma (something like a trapped nerve, in his foot, and from time to time as he puts weight on it, his whole leg collapses to release the pain in his foot and he follows with yelps).  Of course, being no Florence Nightingale, I simply laugh, as I have misheard his foot has "A Neuroma" as "An Aroma", so I'm acting like a 7 year old and holding my nose around him (poor Kyle).   Kyle wants to stress for the record his feet DO NOT STINK, but I'm having fun.

No boats sighted, nor radio traffic heard.  Yesterday, despite the rough seas, there were plenty of sea birds (Petrels) and they were managing to look remarkably graceful and comfortable as they swept low, adjusting their height with the ever changing waves - they are magical to watch. This morning we seem to be alone with the sea.

Food: For lunch we had the last of a curry Lentil Spread/dip that I had made from a recipe from a fellow Gemini Owner (thanks Penny on TailWinds & SunSets) - Yummy. By dinnertime Kyle decided he was not hungry, so we just had some cheese and crackers, but I suspect he simply didn't want to wash up as I've woken up to his request for a "big breakfast"

Progress: Yesterday we made 149 nm, So far on this trip we have traveled (through the water) 466 nm, and have 2242 nm (straight line) to go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lets hope you can still manage to have a laugh with /about each other by the time you reach Ireland
Keep smiling