Monday, April 11, 2022

Goldsmith Island & Lindeman

[Kyle]From Middle Percy Island, we set out in the late afternoon for an overnight sail to Goldsmith Island (among all the other "Smiths": Blacksmith, Tinsmith, Locksmith, etc). It was another of those places that we have missed as we have gone by, so we decided to spend a day there at Roylen Bay.

Another overnight sail gets us a tad further north

We got there just as the weather changed. My night watch had started with starry skies, but gradually the clouds moved in. By the time we picked up the public mooring at Goldsmith, Maryanne’s two-minute excursion to the bow to pick up the pendant had her completely soaked through from the heavy rains.

Maryanne was keen to get ashore (although she found no trails, just spiders and more rain)

Later in the afternoon, it cleared up slightly and she went off in the dinghy to explore the beach while I stayed behind writing. She got hit with another deluge that lasted almost hour. I could barely see the beach, much less her. She returned when it cleared up and told me she spent most of it sheltering in the campsite toilets. Fun!

Maryanne snuck in a snorkel too (not terribly rewarding)

From Goldsmith, it was a short sail of a few hours to Lindeman Island. The stop was mostly so we could break up the leg to Whitsunday into day trips. The rains persisted as well as enough swell for overly-surfy beach landings. The view was great, though, and very dramatic with all of the passing showers. I’m sure the people at Percy are very happy about all of the rain.

Sunsets and Rainbows at Lindeman Island

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