Friday, April 06, 2018

Leaving for Robinson Crusoe Island

{Maryanne: I'd really wanted to spend some time in the museums and more socializing generally, but we were suffering from a host of computer issues and knew we would soon be well away from internet of any speed - I felt compelled to try and 'fix' and update (and test) everything possible, even in our last minutes while Kyle was pushing to leave with the tide. Every '5-minute job' I was trying to complete turned into several hours... Eventually we just had to give up and go without.. Sigh.. But it also meant I sacrificed my expected Museum time on the darn technology.. Ugh! In the midst of all the pressured 'rush' our kind neighbours aboard Sea Rover cooked for us again which was both a wonderful pressure relief and another fantastic evening.}

[Kyle]Our new marina-friends came and waved us off as we left Valdivia for the sail to Robinson Crusoe Island. We had three days of strong winds and big seas, which were made a little less uncomfortable by both coming from way aft of the beam. I wouldn’t characterize it as pleasant sailing, though, and we were both glad that our good progress was making it look like a fourth night at sea wouldn’t be necessary. When the wind started to die off on the last day, we had to deploy the spinnaker to make it to the anchorage at Cumberland Bay by nightfall.

Farewell to the Chilean mainland
and 'Ata 'ata and Sea Rover II


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