Sunday, August 11, 2024

Quahog Bay, Maine

[Kyle]Quahog Bay was another one of our Maine favorites that we couldn't bear to miss (having visited previously in May 2008). A storm was forecast over the next couple of days, so the normally sparse anchorage was full of boats trying to find shelter from the approaching weather.

Before it arrived, though, we took to the kayak to explore all of the little inlets in the area, enjoying the blue skies and the pine-scented air.

Wildlife and scenery - Quahog Bay

And some socializing too when we were invited to join other cruisers at a sunset beach bonfire

We were somewhat glad to have a couple of days of nasty weather. First of all, our decks needed a good rinse of all of the salt accumulated during all of our recent upwind bashing. Secondly, we needed to do a bunch of boring, indoor stuff that has kept being pushed down the list by glorious sunny days. For example, Maryanne keeps asking me where we are going next, but I have barely had time to think of it myself. I know we're going south and I have an Idea how much time we have to get where, but as far as specific anchorages, I'm maybe staying only two or three steps ahead of the boat. I could really use the time to think up another half dozen or so. Maryanne's our administrator and she needs answers if she's going to get all of our paperwork in order in time.

I keep joking that we need to spend a winter in Nebraska to get caught up. That's obviously not a serious plan, but a rainy day or two in Maine (NOT on the plans) can't hurt.

Anchorage location >> On google maps

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