Friday, September 05, 2008

Relaxing in NY

[Maryanne]Kyle and I arrived with a few days to spare to enjoy NY together. We didn't plan any schedule, but the currents are fierce in the river and we are over 0.5 mile from the dock, so we time our outings with the favorable current so we don't have to row against it! The first day we just wandered around, and ended up walking by, and in the Natural History museum. It's huge, not the kind of thing you can do in a day (but we tried). Proud to say we were thrown out at closing time. Kyle especially enjoyed the dinosaurs and the meteorite section; I liked the Marine section and the crystal and gem section was amazing.

The next day Kyle wanted a run in the nearby Central Park; so we grabbed my bike and I joined him. We have both been to NY several times before and I don't even feel guilty that we didn't rush around, do a show, and all that jazz. It was nice to spend some time exploring together without any schedule (except the tides!).

The marina (79th Street Basin) has gone a little up market since we last were here, we now have a shower and a washing machine and dryer available - Whoa! Otherwise it is much the same, and pretty rough (but such a great location!). Lots of the long term marina residents live and work in NY and have done for years; many of the boats are a little the worse for wear, and owners have improvised a LOT - e.g. this floating deck tied to the back of one of the house boats (Lots of points for recycling the surf boards!).

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